2024 Summer Economic Update Webinar

Join the Summer Economic Webinar to hear how the current circumstances could affect orders for manufacturing technology in the remainder of the year. Amit Sharda, Lead Economist at Oxford Economics, will present the latest update to the forecast for machinery orders, and what conditions have changed since the Spring Economic Webinar. Next, Josua Burkar, Managing Director of hpo Forecasting AG, will provide their take on the trajectory of the U.S. machine tool market. Q&A will be moderated by Chris Chidzik, Principal Economist at AMT. If you have any questions ahead of the webinar, please email Chris Chidzik at cchidzik@amtonline.org. Tuesday, August 6, 2:00-2:45 PM EDT


Meet our Speakers!

Josua Burkart

As Forecasting Managing Director of hpo, Josua Burkart creates economic and order intake predictions with his team. Thanks to their forecasts, industrial organizations can see the next storm well in advance and also find out what comes after. The hpo forecasts are based on the Peter Meier Forecasting Model which is scientifically founded and empirically proven. It has been successfully implemented for over 20 years. hpo forecasting holds the exclusive rights since 2019.

Amit Sharda

Amit Sharda works as a Lead Industry Economist for the Global Industry Service at Oxford Economics. Currently, he leads our bespoke consultancy work related to sales and market demand forecasting, and he has headed our global machine tool market analysis reporting for the better part of a decade, prepared for AMT, CECIMO and other national machine tool trade associations. He is also in charge of monitoring and forecasting developments in the automotive industry. During his time at Oxford Economics, he has also overseen the quarterly industry forecast update, expressed our house-view on industrial developments in our monthly publications, and forecasted developments in the chemicals and pharmaceuticals industries. Amit has also contributed to a wide range of economic reports, including evaluating the drivers of competitiveness in the European chemical industry as well as being heavily involved in the production of our series of well-established Global Construction reports.